The New Republic

Following the destruction of the second Death Star and death of Emperor Palpatine...

The former Alliance to Restore the Republic began a final, devastating offensive against the Empire's shattering forces. New, formerly Imperial worlds flocked toward the growing hegemony of the Alliance.

With control of these worlds came the need to govern. So it was that, mere months after the victory at Endor, a New Republic was declared on Chandrila. In a near-unanimous vote, Mon Mothma was inaugurated as the first Chancellor of the Republic, with a new Senate hastily assembled through subsequent votes.


Throughout this final year of the war, the Republic's fleets would slowly dismantle the pride of the Imperial fleet. Culminating in the Battle of Prakith (and Raid on Byss) the Empire would formally surrender to the New Republic.

Fully reestablished on the capital of Coruscant, the New Republic began the immense process of reconstruction and reconciliation. Despite the great victory over the Imperial hegemony, many worlds elected to remain outside of Republic authority. This would serve to temper some of the enthusiasm and support generated by the sacrifices of so many heroes. Yet, under the fastidious and determined effort of Chancellor Mothma, many of these worlds would be swayed back into the Republic fold.

Likewise, despite the defeat of the Empire proper, hundreds of worlds yet lay under the control of former-Imperial warlords. These nagging problems would ensure the process of reconstruction and consolidation to be a multi-generational issue.