The Grae Legion

Following the final defeat of the Empire at the battle of Prakith

untold millions of Imperial troops were left besieged and isolated. Many of these garrisons surrendered, others were isolated on remote worlds, unable to escape. One such force, the 321st Stormtrooper Legion under the command of General Rollant Grae, was abandoned by their fleet while combat operations were yet underway on the moon of Zystirra.

Successful in eliminating the smaller rebel force on the forgotten moon, the Legion soon began a harsh struggle to survive the desolate world. After nearly a year of survival, a small flotilla of spice runners owing allegiance to the Pyke Syndicate would stumble upon Zystirra. Intending to use the moon as a hide, the Pykes would begin construction of a fortified base. Soon, however, the Grae Legion would make their presence known, descending upon the facility and capturing it.

Grae, a practical sort, would enter negotiations with the Pyke overseer, leading to an eventual arrangement between the two groups. Though the Pykes had a large corps of mercenaries at their disposal, these troops were of dubious quality and loyalty. In return for the transport of his legion, Grae would return the base to Pyke control. Further, with the Empire now shattered, the Pykes would hire the Legion, replacing much of their previous muscle and absorbing the remainder.

Operating with military efficiency and precision, the Legion would swell its numbers as many former Imperials found their way into the ranks. Now operating a small fleet of antiquated warships, the Legion has begun to resemble a proper army.